Refinery 29: 39 Best Street-Style Snaps From L.A.'s FYF Fest

Name: Isabella Behravan
What she's wearing: Vintage hat, vintage fringe jacket, Nasty Gal top, & Other Stories jeans, '70s Ted Lapidus sunglasses, Costume National shoes, Nasty Gal socks. 

Describe your style in three words: 
"Crazy, sexy, cool."

Who's the most badass band at FYF and why? 
"Morrissey. I think he's one of the only artists who has something to say. It's incredible that he was able to get meat banned at FYF. He's affecting change in an unprecedented way, and in a world where a lot of artists speak loudly, but don't say very much. He backs it up — and probably saved a few lives in the process."

What's your festival beauty secret? 
"Agent Nateur Holi(stick) Deodorant — it's amazing! It's made in L.A. and has the best ingredients: raw honey, avocado, organic coconut. It's smells like subtle lavender, is way better than perfume, and will keep you smelling great all day under the hot sun. " 

What's the secret to master festival dressing? 
"You should be able to move in everything you wear. You might need to dance, dash backstage or stage dive."

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